7 years of Interbrand in 16 Moleskines

After 7 years as CD and ECD of Interbrand Australia, it's time for me to move on and try something new. I'll be heading over to M&C Saatchi to become the new CD of their branding consultancy, RE. 

During my time at Interbrand I have stuck with one notebook – the trusty black Moleskine. And in seven years I've managed to fill 16 of them. Within the pages of these books are the sketches, doodles and ideas behind brands behind some of Australia's most iconic brands such as Telstra, Opera Australia, Alzheimer's Australia, Australia Post, Igloo, QAGOMA, Darling Harbour, IR and the Sydney Opera House, amongst many others. This is where every idea is born and every stupid idea tried and for some reason I can't stop drawing squares. The answer will reveal itself one day.

To commemorate seven years of ideas at Interbrand, I thought it would be nice to photograph them. So here they are. One day they'll be worth millions! But today they're not for sale.

Chris MacleanComment